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Writer's picture: Wendy A. Tilley Wendy A. Tilley

Body image… OH HELL. If your yoga body is not perfect, nobody else cares. Yoga practice is about how you feel, how you feel when you move, how you breathe, how you listen to what your body tells you. Yoga practice is about peace. Body image be damned. Again, so easy to say, and in staying out of judgment of

ourselves and others, body image just is not supposed to matter. So why does it? Think about peace.

Peace I ask of thee oh river, peace, peace, peace. When I learn to live serenely, cares will cease. Peace, peace, peace. Ha, ha, ha, doesn’t that sound so simple? Memories are flashed through our minds eye. Time goes so quickly and so slowly. Yoga practice goes both quickly and slowly. Progress with one’s yoga practice goes quickly and slowly. The breath draws in slowly, and sometimes flies out quickly. Breath may seep inwards quickly and flow slowly outward. When I learn to live serenely, cares will cease. Peace, peace, peace.

The NBC show This is Us-Have you watched it or possibly heard

about the tear-jerk fest? The show’s premise and platform portray a wealthy family and their familial inner-outer workings. We all know that when you have financial wealth nothing terrible could happen to you or your family. Correct? That was a little tongue-in-cheek right there. The writers of This is Us introduced Madison to the viewers-a minor character who struggles with peace. Madison has lines and scenarios with which the writers want the viewer to simply believe Madison has and is “simply” going to manage-bulimia.

Bulimia is a shit - ass horrific disease. The singing group, The Carpenters consisted of Karen and Richard Carpenter. I ‘m on the top of the world looking down on creation…. come on sing it with me. For those of you under 50,

The Carpenters were a brother, sister duo the same as Donny and Marie. OOPPSS!! Yes, Donny and Marie Osmond. I’m a little bit country and I’m a little bit rock and roll. A little bit of Nashville with a little bit of Motown in my soul. Sing it with me again ..… Well, here’s the skinny- OOPPSS!! Politically incorrect for a body image yoga blog post. Karen Carpenter- suffered, the talented, albeit exceptionally talented musician…who passed from heart complications, suffered. Karen Carpenter’s documented struggle was with the un-simple anorexia and I would also wager the undocumented bulimia, which are a nasty ass disease and its nastier ass cousin. An episode of This is Us- shared Madison’s ongoing challenge with bulimia and described that now the character is

also pregnant. Madison realized and wrestled with how pregnancy changes a person’s body as a pregnant mother becomes and has a cocoon like experience with becoming increasingly responsible for growing, feeding, and nurturing a fetus. Pregnancy is not a cure and not even a solution. Pregnancy in this case is a focus shift. For clarity- Peace I ask of thee oh river.

Peace, peace, peace. When I learn to live serenely, cares will cease. Peace, peace, peace. Yoga practice brings peace. Possibly, that peace is only for 20 or 30 minutes, but yoga practice brings peace.

Do you know what seems to bring temporary fake peace? The diseases of bulimia and anorexia. Bulimia is a nasty ass disease. A cousin to this nasty ass

disease is anorexia nervosa. I struggled with this nasty ass disease and its cousin. High school and undergrad collegiate years for many is a blur. This disease intensifies the blur. This nasty ass disease foundations a severe blur that disrupts

peace. I identified with Madison as I bet many other viewers have too. I struggled with this nasty ass disease and its cousin until I became pregnant with our first child. Pregnancy is not a cure, or solution. Pregnancy in this scenario is a shift of focus. Post pregnancy the struggle continues.

The NBC show This is Us -idealistic and slightly unbelievable. I just like Madison, realized in real-life, how pregnancy changes a person with having a cocoon like experience of being responsible for growing, feeding, and nurturing a fetus. When a fetus is floating in the womb there

is an image that conjures in our minds of peace, peace, peace.

To be clear, This is Us does resonate with many of Us. Get it, This is Us resonates with many of Us. Try yoga practice. Come get your peace on. This is Us in Yoga.

Namaste Ways, Peace, I ask of thee oh river. Peace, peace, peace. When I learn to live serenely, cares will cease. Namaste Ways, Peace, Peace, Peace.

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