Television- multiple platforms.... lately I have viewed Kim’s Convenience on Netflix and Killing Eve on Prime (Amazon). Have you enjoyed any of the greatness in these episodes? Talk about Yin and Yang or is it YING and Yang? Kim’s Convenience is a complete about face from the show titled Killing Eve. Killing Eve is a dark dramedy- British spy thriller, which displays the “greatness” of British intelligence. Kim’s Convenience shares the witty, heartfelt tale of a blue collar family working diligently in Canada to provide a life of greatness for their children who are now twenty-something. The Kim family who are of Korean descent, raised their offspring in a culture that was different from their heritage. This TV family learned to earn and give respect, share from their heart and model admission and correction of
transgression. Kim’s Convenience is a journey to identify and foster greatness.
Yoga is a journey for identifying and fostering greatness in Oneself. “There is potential for greatness in every single person. Not the kind of greatness that wins trophies or races or that will help you make 1 million bucks when you’re grown-up, but an even more important kind. It is the kind of greatness that can change the world; the kind of greatness that gives something back, the kind of greatness that reaches out to other people when
they need a helping hand; the kind of greatness that cares for senior citizens when they’re lonely; the kind of greatness it takes care of people when they’re sick; the kind of greatness that takes the higher ground and offers an example for others to follow. That is the kind of greatness that can really make a difference see greatness in yourself because it’s there and it’s powerful. “Adapted from Jennifer Granholm, Governor of Michigan Yogini’s practice each of the greatness items listed, Right? Or do Yogini’s provide lip service to greatness and turn a deaf ear to action?
Think about YOUR GREATNESS. Huh? What is your GREATNESS? An aspiration
for consideration- Dedicate yourself to become better at one item every single damned day. The greatest lessons throughout our lifetime are spectacularly simple. These lessons are rarely spoken aloud for fear of common triteness. Working daily, dedicated to making yourself better than you were the previous day provides the preferred avoidance of believing the Startelgrams (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) editorial about your denial and procrastination. Every damned day YOU have an opportunity to be in the moment, to grow, learn and have the MANTRA of GREATNESS. “Look to this day, for it is life, the very life of life”. Kalidasa Just like Samuel L. Jackson expounded EVERY DAMNED DAY- Live in the moment, Greatness will come.
Namaste Ways Kim’s Convenience, Namaste Ways Killing Eve. Namaste Ways GREATNESS. Namaste Ways Every DAMNED DAY Namaste Ways Every single DAMNED DAY.